Name of leader Yahya al-Shami (Sayyid)
Organization NDF–National Democratic Front
Conflict country Yemen (North)
Gender Male
Year of birth 1946[1]
Place of birth Al-Masqa, Yemen
Year of death 2018[2]
Yes, he was killed in action in 2018.[3]
Birth order
His birth order is unknown, but he had a brother.[4]
Age at start of rebel leadership
He began his rebellion in 1979 when he was age 33.[5]
Leader entry method
His leader entry method is unclear.
It is unclear. He may have shared power with Sultan Ahmad Umar and Abdel FattahIsmail.
Education (also name universities attended, if any); note any relevant experiences while a student
“He began his studies in the book and then moved to the town of Kahlan Afar fromHajjah. He continued his studies there under the supervision of his father, who was ajudge there. He then moved to the middle school in Sana'a and moved to secondaryschool until the republican revolution that overthrew the regime and established therepublican system in 1382 AH (1962).”[6]“Shami joined the military corps in 1963 as astudent in the military college and graduated in 1965 as an officer in the armored corps.”[7]
Ever married? If yes, age of first marriage
Whetherhe was married is unknown.
Whether he had children is unknown.
Religious identification
He was Houthi Muslim.[8]
Elite Family background
Yes, “he is the nephew of Judge Ahmad Muhammad Al-Shami, Secretary-General of Al-Haq Party and Chairman of the Supreme Council of Elders of Al-Bayt in Yemen.”[9] He isa Hashemite.[10]
Political affiliations and intellectual circles; note any relevant social connections made
No, there is no evidence of political affiliations. He is a Hashemite.[11]
Physical and mental health
No, there is no evidence of poor physical or mental health.
Pre-militant leader occupation
He had a military career. [12]
Experience in a state military, and role; any relevant social ties
Yes, he joined the National Guard, then the Military College. He graduated in 1385 AH(1965) as a lieutenant in the Armored Corps. He took command of the armored corps inthe country of Qataba after taking a specialized course at the end of 1386 AH / 1966. Hewas appointed head of operations for the 2nd Battalion, Armored Corps, then commanderof the 2nd Battalion, in 1393 AH / 1973. [13]
Experience in a nonstate military, and role; any relevant social ties
Yes, he was trained by Iranian Revolutionary Guards.[14]
Combat experience prior to assuming resistance organization leadership?
There is no evidence of combat experience.
Held government position prior to assuming leadership?
No, he held position after his leadership. It was after unification in 1990.[15]
Lived in exile?
No, he was expelled from the YSP. He was, however, referenced as a former official in1994.[16]
Study abroad?
No, there is no evidence he studied abroad.
Did the leader receive military training abroad?
No, there is no evidence of military training abroad.
Did the leader have extensive work experience abroad?
No, there is no evidence he had extensive work experience abroad.
Serve time in prison? Social connections during that time?
No, there is no evidence he served time in prison.
Was there an assassination attempt on the leader by the state?
No, there is no evidence of an assassination attempt by the state.
Cause of Death?
Primary language, and other languages spoken as adult
[1] Image Credit: non-commercial use, all credits belong to the original owners, please contact for removal) )“اللواء يحيى الشامي ..ثعلب الهاشمية السياسية[Major General”[Major GeneralYahya Al-Shami .. Al-HashimiyaPolitical Club], alghadalyemeny, December 11, 2016, Accessed June 18, 2018,
[2] “Yemen’s Houthis Acknowledge Death of Commander in Iran-Trained Brigade,”AlArabiya,May 29, 2018, Accessed January 9, 2019,
[3] “Yemen’s Houthis Acknowledge Death of Commander in Iran-Trained Brigade,”AlArabiya,May 29, 2018, Accessed January 9, 2019,
[4] “Yemen’s Houthis Acknowledge Death of Commander in Iran-Trained Brigade,”AlArabiya,May 29, 2018, Accessed January 9, 2019,
[5] “10. Kingdom of Yemen/Yemen Arab Republic/North Yemen (1918-1990),”Universityof Central Arkansas Political Science,
[6] [Who is Major General”[Who is Major General؟من هو اللواء الركن يحيى الشامي مساعد القائد االعلى للقوات المسلحة اليمنية“YahyaAl-Shami, Assistant Supreme Commander of the Yemeni Armed Forces],, Accessed June 18, 2018,
[7] “اللواء يحيى الشامي ..ثعلب الهاشمية السياسية[Major General Yahya Al”[Major General Yahya Al-Shami .. Al-HashimiyaPolitical Club], alghadalyemeny, December 11, 2016, Accessed June 18, 2018,
[8] “Saudi Arabia Announces Bounties for 40 Houthi Leaders,”Asharq Alawsat,November6, 2017, Accessed January 9, 2019 through Lexus Nexis.
[9] لب الهاشمية السياسيةاللواء يحيى الشامي ..ثعلب الهاشمية السياسيةاللواء يحيى الشامي ..ث[Major General Yahya Al”[Major General Yahya Al-Shami .. Al-HashimiyaPolitical Club], alghadalyemeny, December 11, 2016, Accessed June 18, 2018,
[10] Lucas Winter, “The Adaptive Transformation of Yemen’s Republican Guard,”SmallWars Journal,
[11] Lucas Winter, “The Adaptive Transformation of Yemen’s Republican Guard,”SmallWars Journal,
[12] “اللواء يحيى الشامي ..ثعلب الهاشمية السياسية[Major General Yahya Al”[Major General Yahya Al-Shami .. Al-Hashimiya Political Club], alghadalyemeny, December 11, 2016, Accessed June 18,2018,
[13] “اللواء يحيى الشامي ..ثعلب الهاشمية السياسية[Major General Yahya Al”[Major General Yahya Al-Shami .. Al-Hashimiya Political Club], alghadalyemeny, December 11, 2016, Accessed June 18,2018,
[14] “Yemen’s Houthis Acknowledge Death of Commander in Iran-Trained Brigade,”AlArabiya,May 29, 2018, Accessed January 9, 2019,
[15] Charles Schmitz and Robert D. Burrowes,Historical Dictionary of Yemen,Rowman &Littlefield, 3 ed. (MD 2018): 325
[16] “Yemen, Republic,”The PRS Group/ International Country Risk Guide,June 1994,Accessed January 9, 2019 through Lexus Nexis
[17] “Yemen’s Houthis Acknowledge Death of Commander in Iran-Trained Brigade,”AlArabiya,May 29, 2018, Accessed January 9, 2019,